Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dont ever put too much hope on someone

even if he's the one that you love and trust :(

Friday, May 29, 2009


Sometimes in life, i find a special friend. Someone who changes my life just by being part of it. Someone who makes me laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes me believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces me that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for me to open it.
This a forever friendship. When I'm down and the world seems dark and empty, my forever friend lifts me up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. My forever friend gets me through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If i turn and walk away, my forever friend follows. If i lose my way, my forever friend guides me and cheers me on. My forever friend hold my hand and tells me that everything is going to be okay.

And i have found that kind of friendship, i feel happy and complete because i need not worry. I have a forever friends, and forever has no end.

I love you all really like i cant believe it :)

i'm so happy like i cant believe it!

Ola! hoaaahhh..after spending my day for SLEEPING, akhirnya sekarang baru bener2 bisa melek buat nulis, hehehe. mmmpphhh,

At may 27th 11pm, i got a insanely-made-me-happy birthday SURPRISE from my lovely boyfriend and my besties babies :). Wooooowwwwwwwwwwww, i realy shocked like i cant believe it until now! all my guys are being together to surprising me :D

and the best part is when my fashionably beautiful bestie Nindia Satiman appeared and give me a BIRTHDAY LETER and present too.. because i think she wouldt come, facing the fact that she would have a final exam at the next day. I LOVE YOU MENGCHI:)

Anind and Danar and Hatta appearanced was also make me shocked too, i realy have no idea why they both with nindia, and my LSPR mates (Dhita,tiwi,apok and the others) and my bf could arrange a sweet surprise like that :)

Thak you Allah, I am really blessed to have them in my life:)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Twenty is mine now

Dream what i want to dream, go where i want to go, be what i want to be. I have only one life and one chance to do all the things i want to do.

who cares if that not what i need!

Tomorrow it's my turn to being 20. I dont feel any special on that. My life still rounding the same. Same old shit different year. I still hate my life. And i still always dont get what i want.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lucky me i just have one class session every wednesday.

I've just done my beautiful lunch at senayan city with Danar :)
hey, i've missed him tooo baad, heading the fact that he was so busy with the theatre, i didnt see him around for about THREE WEEKS. it feels like months due to the fact that i meet him everyday, before.

I'm so that glad we can share our missed moments today. He told me everythings that happend with his life during those weeks and i shared mine too.

The things that made me more happy is the fact that HE STILL THE OLD DANAR :)
He's still the one that loves KFC more that a plate of fucking salad
he's still the one that saving money for my birthday present :')
he's still the one who loves me and my bunda
he's still the one that laughing loud when im telling my fucking-CRISPY jokes
he's still the one that knows me better than anyone.

This what im trying to believe to.

"It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you, Allah knows best"

- Al-Baqarah 216

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i really proud to call you my Role Model, Sir.

Memang sejak dulu Liga kita banyak hal yg menimbulkan kontroversi.
Tapi kita juga harus melihat sisi positifnya.
Team Persija pada awal musim menunjukan sebuah permainan sangat atratif.
Pada putaran kedua Persib juga melakukan sebuah perubahan yg membuat mereka sangat agresif dalam bermain....
Persipura sepanjang musim menampilkan sebuah permainan yg kolektif,konsisten,bertenaga dan andalkan mobilitas tinggi.
Selain itu masih ada hal2 menarik yg lain,Persijap,Persik,Pelita.
Tapi pasti ada catatan negatif juga.
Tapi bagaimanpun keberhasilan Persipura bisa tercapai karena permainan yg impresif diluar kandang maupun saat menghadapi team besar.
Maka dengan itu,sedikit mengurangi penilaian orang bahwa Liga ini tidak fair.
Kita tetap menjaga sportivitas dan berharap tahun depan Liga kami lebih berkualitas dan menarik.
Gbu all.

Jacksen Tiago

Baby, you need to know..

when i'm facing my mood swings,
what you have to do is just ring me bell - to lighten me up again, before my imagination messed like hell.

random short reports about my recent life

. Got A score for most of mid exams, alhamdullilah.

. having two months relationship with my Gatra Ardana

. merasa kalau makin hari gu emakin sayang sama si Pacar itu
dan merasa kalau si-Pacar-nya itu makin hari makin cuek
dan makin yakin kalu gue itu orangnya nggak bisa cuek. zzzz

. still didnt get own laptop

. mengakui kalau yoghurtnya J.Co itu enak dan murah banget (murah banget kalo dibandingin sama si kuncir dua)

. nafsu makan makin membabi buta. :(

. craving for another miss 60. zzz

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Grow up Gotcha! Please.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Im ready enough for you, 20!

These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters
is just following your heart
and eventually you'll finally get it right.

"In this Diary",The Ataris

Friday, May 8, 2009

Cintailah sepak bola dengan Hati, bukan dengan Emosi :)

Gile, gue barusan ntn Galeri Sepakbola Indonesia.
Asli ngeri banget ya kalo ngeliat kelakuan (banyak dari) suporter-suporter indonesia yang tak beradab dan tek bermoral. Teamnya kalah - Ngamuk! (terserah mau kalah apa karena wasitnya yang salah ataupun emang teamnya yang main jelek, pokonya satu kata, Ngamuk!) hihihi.

Udah gitu, ngamuknya bukan hanya distadion, tapi melebar juga ke jalan-jalan raya (contoh yang baru2 ini kejadian yaa, yang waktu kemarin ini teman-teman Bonek ngamuk di kediri). Semua yang ada di kanan-kiri mereka (suporter, red.) di hancurin. Gak peduli apa dan siapa. Gak peduli apakah yang akan kena getahnya mau kelompok suporter lawan ataupun orang yang gak mengerti sepakbola sekalipun. Pokonya, tetep satu kata, Ngamuk!

Terus adalagi tadi gue liat Bapak Ayi Beutik yang terhormat, yang katanya penglima Viking (suporter viking yang loyalitasnya sudah tidak perlu diragukan, bahkan sampai bisa dimasukkan kategori mengerikan) dia bilang katanya Dia benci persija - benci The Jak sampai mati.

Hmm, hal ini gak beda jauh juga sama kata2 banyak dari teman-teman The Jak yang hobby banget menjelek2an atau bahkan maaf - mengata2i pihak suporter Persib (maaf ya, saking seringnya gue liat kata2 kasar yang mereka lontarkan, gue jadi menyebut ini sebagai" Hobby").

are they really enjoy living a life that so hateful?

Padahal, mereka yang main dilapangan (mereka yang membuat ribuan orang rela melakukan apasaja, saling benci satu sama lain, bahkan merelakan harta, nyawa, dan keluarga) juga tidak ambil pusing dengan apa yang telah dikorbankan/dilakukan oleh para pendukungnya. Yang mereka tau, mereka harus main bagus, cetak gol yang banya biar kontraknya terus diperpanjang, biar kariernya terus naik. Dan ngambek kalau gajinya telat dibayar.(Yaiyalah, siapa juga yang mau capek2 main bola terus gak dibayar!!)
Tanpa mereka mau tau kalo banyak dari teman2 suporter yang bahkan - jangankan mikirin gaji, dipecat aja rela, asal bisa nonton Team kesayangannya itu main. Hahaha, ironis memang. Tapi itu lah sisi uniknya.

Gue gak bilang hal ini salah kok, dan gue juga menulis juga bukan untuk menjudge yang ini salah dan yang itu benar. Hidup ini kan pilihan. Dan setiap pilihan itu gak ada yang salah selama mereka yang memilih itu senang dan bahagia dengan pilihannya. Dan tentu saja, selama pilihannya itu tidak merugikan orang lain.

Seperti kata narator di Galeri Sepakbola Indonesia siang ini,
Cintailah sepakbola dengan hati, bukan dengan Emosi.. :)

my life isnt as random as my thought

iya deh ya, my recent life goes sooooo begitu-begitu aja. kuliah - spend time with dita/tiwi/nita/tata/tania - pacaran - nonton bola - lari sama nindi.

begitu, begitu dan begitu saja. spend time sama sobi2 itu juga tempatnya gak ada inovasinya. apalagi sama pacar, sangat tidak ber-inovasi sekali.

gue kangen pergi2 kagetan. ataupun pergi2 yang nggak kagetan juga, tapi yang tempatnya bener2 ga biasa. bukan mall, bukan kosannya dita, bukan seputaran senayan ataupun seputaran menteng.

while waiting karina pick me up.

oke, gue tau, random feeling yang kayak gue rasain sekarang bener-bener ga boleh disimpen lama-lama. Terlalu banyak hal yang lalu-lalang di kepala gue sekarang, terlalu banyak pikiran yang bahkan seharusanya ga usah gue repot-repot pikirin. seperti:

- sekarang gue lagi mikir gimana jadinya gue kalo tiba-tiba pacar gue ninggalin gue. sumpah. gue takut banget. gue takut tiba2 kejadian yang kaya dulu pernah gue hadepin kejadian lagi. (padahal sebenernya, ga ada alesan sama sekali yang membuat gue harus mikir kaya gini. i meant, our realationship just goes like the way it goes. lagi baik-baik aja)

- trully, im scared with the future. hmm, gue bener-bener masih gak ada bayangan. mau jadi kemana. mau jadi apa. bahkan, gue maunya apa aja gue bingung. gini, gue sebentar lagi umur dua puluh. which is harusnya menurut gue, orang umur segitu itu udah harus punya tujuan jelas, atau minimal bayangan lah, mau ngapain dan mau kemana nantinya. dan gue?? hello, bayangan sih banyak banget ya, dan saking banyaknya, sampe gak keliatan tuh gue maunya apa.
(oke, pikiran yang ini sebenernya emang harus dipikirin, tapi harusnya ga perlu sampe gue jadi kebingungan sendiri kayak gini. hari masih panjang -amin-. insyaallah gue masih banyak waktu untuk bisa mutusin pilihan yang mana yang paling gue mau, paling cocok buat gue.)

Oh lala, itu baru dua contoh. sebenernya masih banyak yang gue pikirin. yang bahkan - gue sekarang aja bingung mau nulisnya gimana. huuppf.

oke, jelas sudah, ini namanya BM!

few things runing on my head :
- macbook black (tai nih, sejak kapan gue pengen macbook?? zzzz)
- corona absolut 2.o

sebenernya sih cuma dua itu aja, tapi gara-gara gue baru belajar main kaskus2an, dan ternyata dua keinginan diatas berkembang menjadi:
- macbook black (tai nih, sejak kapan gue pengen macbook?? zzzz)
- corona absolut 2.o
- nike dunk yang item putih, apa ya jenisnya? gue lupa
- blackberry storm (oke, ini udah pasti gak mungkin!)
- pengen les spanyol lagi
- pengen tas baru
- pengen jeans baru (oke, oke, yang dua terakhir gak ada hubungannya sama kaskusan.)
- pengen mm... zzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Acerca de mí

mungkin hanya jiwa yang tak terjaga jua
dalam doa
hingga khilaf menyentuh terasa bergetar
ku berlalu

saat terasa waktu tlah hilang
ku terdiam oh
saat hanya gundah yang bertentangan
ku bernyanyi

cinta cita harapan
dan ku terbawa dalam kisah yang lama
cinta cita harapan
dan ku terbawa dalam kisah lama

amarah yang tak terucapkan jua
tak terungkap
walau diri tlah terbelenggu hasrat
yang bernyanyi

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cause baby, i need you.

There's a whole lot of things you can do and do without me,
there's a million things I can do and do alone
But the best you can do for yourself is sharing with that someone else
No one wants to be alone,
It's the one thing that I know.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hello green bars :D

Soyjoy apple flavor is my new best friend :)

fckin pages!

Gosh! ive been awake since 5.30 am but all am doin now its just facebookin and twitterin and 4sharedin and bloggin while the method.of.comm's bundle is waiting for my hands to grab. shait! Just like another past- last day exam - now im really having no mood for even just read it! oh no! even see it from far make me sleepy.

That method.of.comm's bundle has 42 pages with Oh Jesus Please - tiny fonts inside six boxes in each page!

Filling these, will help me do my Methods of Comm. Research Exam tomorrow.

001. Real name → Gotcha Michel
002. Like it? → So Much
003. Nickname(s)→ Gotcha and Michel
004. Status → in a happy relationship :)
005. Zodiac sign → Gemini
006. Male or female → Female
007. Elementary→ mmm.... zzzz
008. Middle School → SLTP Labschool Rawamangun
009. High School → SMU Labschool Kebayoran
010. Hair color → Black
011. Long or short → Short
012. Eye color → Black
013. Weight → 52 Kgs
014. Height → 164cms.
015. Righty or lefty → Bothy :D
016. Loud or Quiet → can be both, depends on what situation
017. Sweats or Jeans → JEANS
018. Phone or Camera → A phone with a camera in it.
019. Health freak → No
020. Piercings?→ No
021. Do you have a crush on someone? → Absolutely yes.
022. Eat or Drink → Both for sure
023. Purse or Backpack → i cant bring back pack for a party, can i?
024. Tattoos → next two years maybe
025. Do You Like Yourself? → Yes i do like myself so much.
026. Current worry? → method of communication mid exam :(

027. Orange or Apple Juice? → Orange
028. Night or Day? → 24 hours
029. Sun or Moon? → Moon
030. TV or Internet? → High quality inet connection so tat i can do streaming.
031.PlayStation or XBox? → None of them
032. Kiss or Hug? → Hug then Kiss.
033. Iguana or Turtle? → Both, as long its not a cat.
034. Spider or Bee? → None!
035. Fall or Spring? → Holiday season.
036. Limewire or iTunes? → 4shared does better.
037. Soccer or Baseball? → SOCCER!

038. First surgery → thx God, i never did any.
039. First piercing → on both ears, when i was elementary grade.
040. First best friend → Ratih Kartikasari
041. First Sport? → Swiming, but still can't do it till now :(
042. First award → Never have any :)
043. First crush → Fajar.
044. First pet → A pair of Rabbit
045. First big vacation → Can't remember.
046. First big birthday → When i was in my first year at High School.

047. Eating → Soy joy.
048. Drinking → Mineral water.
049. I'm about to → Wasting time to anwering this.
050. Listening to → 5566 - Wo suo wei.
051. Singing? → What i want is what ive got - westlife.
052. Typing? → This.
053. Waiting for → My uncle to come to bring me oleh2 :)

054. Want kids? → Yea.
055. When? → After someone became my husband.
056. Want to get married? → Yes.
057. When? → At the right time (with the right man)
058. Where Do You Want To Live? → Senayan - JAKARTA
059. Careers in mind → Owner of a football club
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → An Astronaut
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? → Happy future.
062. Something You Would Never Try? → Kill my self

063. Lips or eyes → Eyes cant lie
064. Shorter or taller? → No matter.
065. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
066. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice personality.
067. Sensitive or loud → Depends on my mood.
068. Hook-up or relationship → Happy Relationship, like i do one :)
069. Trouble maker or hesitant → ???
070. Hugging or Kissing? → Hugging then Kissing, or can be swap.
071. Tan Skinned or Light? → No matter.
072. Dark or Light Hair? → No matter.
073. Muscular or Normal? → Normally muscular.

074. Lost glasses/contacts → hahaha, SERING!
075. Ran away from home → No.
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense?→ No.
077. Killed somebody → No.
078. Broken someone's heart → Yes.
079. Been arrested → No.
080. Cried when someone died → Yes.
081. Kissed A Stranger? → No and i dont want to!
082. Climbed Up A Tree? → Yes. Factor's Tree! hahahaha
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → Wew. Yes i have ever.

084. Yourself → Yes.
085. Miracles → So yes.
086. Love at first sight → YES.
087. Heaven → Yes.
088. Santa Claus → i dont really care whether i believe him or not.
089. Kiss on the first date → Yes.

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now → No, but a boy named Gatra Ardana :)
091. Do You Like Someone? → Yes, i like my Boy.
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → I am .
093. Do you believe in God → Alhamdulillah, I believe in Allah.

094. Recieved/Sent Text Message → Gatra Ardana.
095. Received Call → Uncle.
096. Call Made? → Grace Apok Christia
097. Comment On My Facebook? → Aryo Penangsang
098. Missed Call? → Nindia Satiman
099. Person You Hung out With? → Gatra Ardana

100. Post as 100 truths and tag people!
(but sorry i dont want to tag anyone)


Sunday, May 3, 2009

If I could choose the world around me, the world I'd choose would all revolve around you

A fragile heart was broken before
I don't think it could endure another pain
But there's a voice from deep inside of you
That's calling out to make you realize

That this new bond gives inspiration
To all who feel no love appeal no more
So how can I break this wall around you
That's aiding both our hearts to grow in pain

So forget your past and we can dream tomorrow
Save our hearts for care and lovin' too
It's hard, I know, but oh one thing's for sure
Don't go and break this fragile heart.

A hurting mind in need of emotion
I don't think It's could endure another pain
But baby in you, I've found affection
Affection I have never felt before

With all this fire that burns between us
There's so much to lose
Yet so much more to gain
And if I could, choose the world around me
The world I'd choose would all revolve around you
So help me complete the game inside me
And help me to mend ,to mend this fragile heart.


sumpah. habislah sudah kata-kata gue.
asli ya, dengan liat pertandingan malam ini, antara Persijap vs Persipura, huaaaahh,
PERSIPURA JAYAPURA memang satu-satunya tim yang sangat pantas untuk menjuarai Indonesian Super League tahun ini.


I love you, sayang :)

There's nothing so cute as his mimics when i'm angry. Mocks me. The thing that's most annoying is that he's good, he's funny, and he makes me laugh. infuriating.
There's nothing so sweet as my Boy apologizing after we fight.
There's nothing so endearing as he testing my good graces, or as satisfying as his make-up kiss :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


setelah kemarin gue ribut dan mengeluh mengenai MID EXAM, akhirnyaa.. tinggal satu lagi Exam yang belom!
method of comm. research
mmm, selama pelajaran itu,
gue gak pernah meratiin
gue udah absen 2 kali dari 6 pertemuan
gue gak ngerti apa2
dan bahannya agak banyak bgt
dan gue belom belajar sama sekali.

hehe. tapi anyways.
gue cukup puas dengan exams yang udah berlangsung kemarin.
GUE MAKSIMAL ngerjainnya. hehe. Alhamdulliah.
tapi yah, biasanya kalo exam yang gue ngerasa bisa, biasanya nilainya pas2an aja. hehehhe.

aduh, gak konsen nih nulisnya. my ayang floating my head.
mau ceting ama ayang aja.


mmm, i've just realized that

i love my boy SO MUCH.

i love you Ardana :)